Monday, December 7, 2009


It seems that the everyday miracle has come to stay with me.
Life is nothing but a repetition of everyday miracles.
One friend spoke about the right salary and how to logically prove what you ask for so that you end up getting what you want........... looks very simple though not easy.
What made us debate for  a very long time was the logics behind it . What's that? I checked the World Book dictionary  which says " The branch of philosophy dealing with the principles of reasoning and inferences"........... Oh ! I 'm confused now. I thought I knew logics and bragged myself logical at times. Now what is philosophy then? Am I philosophical or logical?  It also says that logics is The Science of  proof: logic is not the science of belief, but of proof or evidence.
Consider this syllogism " All men are mortal. Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal,".................. expressions like The logic of Taste, The logic of his argument etc  come under this topic.
I searched for the meaning of philosophy. Quite interesting! " The study of the Truth or Principles of all real knowledge; study of the most general causes and principles of the universe."

So coming back proving your salary to an HR manager - logically is not easy unless we understand logics ( how to present logically) and the philosophy (Truth)behind the recruitment and the cost involved therein.

Let me take you a little beyond.  They say that there is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. Beethovan was deaf, Milton was blind, Helen keller became deaf, dumb & blind soon afetr birth............................... Are you thinking? Any sound sense or logic or reason behind Beethovan becoming the greatest musician or Helen Keller's sense of  'seeing', 'listening' or 'talking to the world and understanding problems of people who were much better than herself - illogical ( Tell me something I can believe yaar - Dont try to goof me) . Anybody with just one eye alone was better than her. Isn't he?

Now, look at 2 state of minds.
1) Logical ( can be proved and evidence shown)
2) Illogical (cannot be proved - at least now).
Logic is Closed ( arrived) and Illogical is Open( not yet arrived);
Logic is conforming and Illogical is non-conforming;  
Logic is limiting( cannot look beyond) whereas illogica is unlimited( many possibilities) etc etc. 

When your mind is OPEN, there is something that happens............... it resonates with the natural forces or scientifically, it alligns itself with natural wavelengths. Belief is one such allignment  which is diagionally opposite to logic. Logics depend on Belief and not vice versa.
"If your mind can believe, it can achieve." - Nepolean Hill

I am yet to get a quote on logic...... sorry; from any great achievers!

Belief changes Behavior and hence everything organically. Logic cant effect behavior and hence cannot effect actions for organic development.  
Confused?................. Ok. Let me wrap up saying that if you have been logically finding out next job or how to negotiate for 40% hike in your next job, more often that you will miss them. The way is to find the passion and that burning desire/fire in the belly/ butterflies in your stomach/ that bring you logics.

I bargained with life for a penny,
   And life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
  When I counted my scanty store.
For life is just an employer,
 He gives you what you ASK,
But once you have set the wages,
  Why, you must bear the task.
I work for a menial's hire,
 Only to learn, dismayed
That any wage I asked of life,
 Life would have willingly paid.

Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty.

So................................. are you a better negotiator now? 

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