Monday, December 7, 2009

" An Everyday Miracle"

Its been very long since I wrote something here..... Hm..... busy? yes and no. I was trying to improve my blog on its look and feel and trying to compile articles that are required to be posted when you ask for.
I learn a lot serendipitously - looking for something and finding out something else. And these days end up only searching.Remember those cleaning days when we want to throw away an old newspaper and suddenly we find an article we searched for & went mad? Not exactly, but I stumbled upon one of my earliest collections of what it proclaimed as AN EVERY DAY MIRACLE.
I want you to READ it well.

An Everyday Miracle
Isn't it amazing how we take them for granted, those little black marks on paper!
Twenty six different shapes known as letters, arranged in endless combinations known as words.
Lifeless, until someone's eye falls on them.
But then the Miracle happens. Along the optic nerve, almost at the speed of light, these tiny symbols are flashed to the brain, where they are instantly decoded into ideas, images, videos, concepts, meanings.
The eye's owner is changed too. The little black mark can make him love or hate , laugh or cry, fight or run away.
And..... What do we call this incredible chain of events? ......... READING.
Life is just a matter of continuation and repetition. Isn't it? An interesting outcome of this incredibel chain of events happened not so late after my so called reading.
One of the routine activites I do which doesn't call for any of my voluntary senses (and forget intelligent anyways) is taking breakfast to my daughter at 9.30 am everyday. Her school begins at 7am you know and is just 200 mts from my house. How lucky am I ? ..........There are 2 ways to reach the school - same distance.
The everyday miracle put my brain into intense comtemplation about reading as seeing and sensing so I was on my senses that day and was trying to see things, hence  I consiously took the other route when I read an business board( which I was searching my city for some 2 months) that was visible if you go from one side only. And I never saw those landmarks while coming back because of the angle of vision.
Two days have elapsed and I am still alert to read any monotony that droops me.
Reading, is it not a habit of thinking also? As I started reading my business, I SEE opportunities.
Wow! What a phenomenon sirji?
An amazing one.

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