Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Stand out. But Fit in.."

Its very simple (though not easy) to embark on a journey of learning. All you need to do is to ask certain questions and answer them honestly. Sometimes, its not the questions you ask, but the ones you failed to ask will determine your life... If it is so, then lets better start understanding what questions we should not miss asking ourselves every single day to keep on track.
Let's see where we stand now, with these 10 questions. Answer only YES or NO.

1. I spend most of my day doing what others want me to do.
2. I work on fun or pleasant taskes before doing the unpleasant ones.
3. I wait until a deadline is near before really getting to work.
4. I give a high priority to those tasks that will advance my personal goals.
5. I tackle jobs that can be completed in a short time before working on larger - longer tasks.
6. I do the work which I have planned before doing the unexpected.
7. I tackle the small jobs before embarking on bigger ones.
8. I work on a squeaky-wheel principle. The task that "makes the most noise" worked on first.
9. I wait to be told what to do first.
10. I regularly think about how I am expending my efforts relative to my personal goals.

YES to 1-3-8-9 is Reactive to outside . These people will do well if they select great bosses who believe in mentoring and have patience to train and develop.
YES to 2-5-7 is Mistaken Priorities. These people, most of the time act before thinking. Need a conforming boss to succeed.
YES to 4-6-10 is Proactive. These people know what they do and more importantly, Why they do. They possess ownership and take responsibility. They go places only if they work with non-conforming, facilitating and non-interfering bosses.

This is only a broad classification of people and no one is superior or inferior. A reactive person can end up learning and implementing better than a proactive person - given a condition of right Guru / Mentor and both of them have mistaken priorities.

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