Friday, May 27, 2011

Signals for a Big Change
1) Losing interest
2) Thoughts rather than actions
3) Suddenly thinking about  responsibilities other than that of current job
4) Started asking WHY (not HOW) before any action 
....................................... You need a BREAK............ BIG BREAK ................. or a CAREER CHANGE
Remember, CAREER CHANGE is a natural life progression and YOU need to take complete control of your career progressions(Changes).
Here are some simple steps.
1) Review your likes & dislikes in the job activity.  
Less than 2% of the entire population write down their plan enhancing clarity of thought and thereby increasing their probability of getting what they want multifold than the others who dont write down
a) What did you love doing all these years while in job?
b) What functions you enjoyed doing?
c) What responsibilities you loved taking?
d) What kind of careers  ( eg: technical, process, people, machinery etc)
e) What business models ( combinations of Engagement & Growth)
f) What kind of Corporate Ethics ( Inclusive or overall growth or Exclusive or financial/designation growth)
g) What is that you always wanted to do in life? Your passion/Obsessions. Remember, this may not have anything to do with whatever jobs you have done so far & can be tangentially opposite also. 
h) Take a psychometric test or career assessment test . Plenty of them are there online & most of them are affordable from INR600. 
II. Find CAREERS that your passion can fit in.
People who chase their passions dont normally think too much about themselves or associate  themselves too big with their designations & promotions. There are plenty of live cases & one such case is where a professionally qualified doctor turned a marketing person, then a strategic consultant and now into a self taught story telly. He is a very successful story teller & works as Chief Belief Officer in Future Group. His name is Devdatt Patnaik whose presentations are the most watched in TED.
a) For eg: You are a banker & want to be a nurse. Or a salesman wanting to be a teacher. Start understanding the sectors/industry/companies/locations/levels etc. Always look at a company that gives you a chance & the size of the company is immaterial here.
III. Consciously transfer skills & Learn newer skills
Certain Skill & Compeencies overlap sectors no matter what business you are in. Eg: Leadership, relationship management, Ability to understand new business dynamics, ability to plan & execute, bring out a simpler yet widely applicable processes etc etc. 
Read, Research, Study,acquire newer skills, understand new businesses etc. Dedicate yourself regularly in assimilating knowledge.
IV.  Network Network Network
Popularity is not knowing more people but being known by more people.
Interact with people. Join Linkedin, Brijj, etc
V. Find a Mentor/Guide
Indian mythology proves that  a GURU is the means to GOD(Salvation).Guru is someone who attracts.
He/She needn''t be a highly placed individual. It needs to be someone who is knowledgable, updated & interested in you. Rely on him, take personal challenges & work on them to change your personality.
VI. Refresh your hunting skills 
Sharpen your saw. Put on your learning cap
Sit and work with your resume.
Build a new resume with your discovered passion & set direction.
You can always get free templates online once you have written your basic resume. 
Prepare for interview skills; get the help from your friends/mentor for mock sessions.
VII. Be Flexible
Dont Settle. keep looking.
Remember, you have embarked to chase your own dreams - not the other''s.
Most of the time in our lives, what we think & understand now may not be permanent and hence you may also end up as an entrepreneur or a freelance consultant or a business partner.
Remember, this phase will also go by.......................and all these are just Means & the End is YOU!.
BE Happy & Enjoy Life!
See you
B S Sekhar
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