as Maitreya told Vidura.
- All matter is an assembly of Parama anus. (Fundamental particles – atoms?). The time of a Paramanu is related to its size.
- 2 anus make a paramanu.
- tryah (trio) make 3 renus – trasarenu.
- These tiny particles can be seen through when sunshine passes through the tiny joles of a sieve or net.
- 3 trasarenus take up the time that is remembered as Truti.
- 100 of those is a Vedha
- Thrice that is a Lava
- The duration of time of three lavas is equal to one nimeṣa,
- The combination of three nimeṣas makes one kṣaṇa,
- Five kṣaṇas combined together make one kāṣṭhā,
- Fifteen kāṣṭhās make one laghu.
- Fifteen laghus make one nāḍikā,
- Two nadikas make one muhūrta,
- 6 or 7 Praharas make a Yaamaah.
- There are 4 yaamaah in the day and 4 yaamaah in the night of mortals.
- 15 days make the krshna paksha and 15 days make the sukla paksha.
- Two pakshas make a masa which makes a day and night of the Pitrs.
- 2 masas make a rtu.
- 6 such masas (months) make an ayanam – the Uttarayanam and the Dakshinanayanam the Divi (Sky – heaven)
- An ayanam is a day of the Devas.
- 12 masas is a vatsara.
- A human lives for a 100 years.
- The names of the vatsaras are Samvatsara, parivatsara, idavatsra, anuvatsra and vatsara.
- 12 divine years (varshas) form the caturyugas of krta, tretha, dvapara and kali.
- Multiplying by 4,3,2,1 in Krta etc Yugas, numbering thousands and 2 hundreds. (He is asking Vidura to multiply 1200 by 4,3,2,1, etc to get the duration of the different yugas as confirmed by Markandeya in the Mahabharata).
- The yuga sandhya periods are in hundreds of years (not in thousands in the same ratio. Matches with Markandeya)
- 1000 of the caturyugas of the trilokas, form the day of the Brahma and he has a night of equal period.
- There are 14 manus in a day of Brahma.
- Each Manu lasts a little over 71 Mahayugas.
- A 100 years of Brahma is less than a nimisha of Sri Vishnu.
A copper pot weighing six palas has a hole bored in it by a gold probe weighing 4 masas, measuring 4 angulas.The time it takes to fill up with water is a called a prastha.
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