Saturday, December 12, 2009

Create your own opportunity

I believe that a recruitment consultant's responsibility is not just forwarding resume' but add value to the entire recruitment process -  assuming client's responsibility in screening and facilitating jobseekers learn and develop to join the race of prospective candidates. Hence the recruitment has to be uncompromising than accomodative.

Many jobseekers ( I have come across ) have a starting problem - especially with their resume' building. While there are plenty of material available on how to build a resume, I think its a personal brief where one portrays unembellished description about oneself  What do you think?

A 7 point resume' is enough on the content

Personal details -  name, age, DOB, address, phone, mail

Organisation - name, position, location, period

Role ( not responsibilities or functions) - will discuss

Contributions ( your) - will discuss

Recognitions ( received) - will discuss

Memberships ( only for senior management) - Directorship, Chairmanship etc

Value adding Hobbies - enjoying something diagonally opposite to your job - eg: Accountant doing painting. ( Some accountant says his hobby is reading accounts magazine). Any diagonally opposite hobby can bring verstality in the individual and hence very important to present your hobby face to the employer.

Role is the most important part of any resume'.

Lets see what is the ROLE of any position? Is it what we do for the entire day? or is it our responsibilities?
for eg: What is the role of a father in a house? WHat are his responsibilities and what are the functions he will end up doing?
Providing the basic needs(food, shelter, clothing)/ Education/Safety/ is his Role. Then, does that mean he has to personally go and  buy vegetables, clothes, books etc, etc everyday for his family? Certainly not. But sometimes he will do all these Functions because he is Responsible for whatever happens to his family.
If that is what roles and responsibilities and functions are, then how do you understand the Role of a position you occuppy in an organisation? 

Simple................... "What is one or two things that will not happen if the Sales Executive ( refers to the position & not to the person) isn't there? will answer the Sales Executive's role.  

or ......What all will not happen if my wife takes one week leave from he Role? explains her role.

But in this case, on the firsr day, I will celebrate as a great freedom day; cooking, cleaning, washing, sending children to school, helping them in their homework, studying for them, doing their projects, shopping vegees, stationery etc etc...  Why am I doing these? Responsibility! and what I end up doing ( different tasks) are the Functions in the job as a Father. 

A CEO talks about sales also and a Sales Executive also talks about it. Are their roles same? Is the Sales Executive responsible for a bad service process that brings down the sales of the company?

Is ROLE different from Functions and Responsibilities?  What do you think?

Role explains WHY  in the position and refers to the position and not any person in particular.
For example , all Fathers have the same Role, each one of them assume different Responsibilities and because of that they end up doing different functions or tasks.

Role is the expectation and Objectivity of the business - Selcetion of candidates MUST be based on the role he/she will have to play - because, the skills and competencies depend on the role only and not the functions. I drive quite well; but I cant be a professional driver. Why? Role experience works........

If you have been in a role, then you are wise about it, else otherwise. 
So when you write your resume', describe what role you are occupying in your company. You may end up doing sales, administration, budgeting, managing internal & external relations, sending reports, exercising commercial controls etc. 
But What is your Role?  Add only bullet points . Role is only simple words like --------
   * Generating dynamic MIS stats to facilitate business planning - For a MIS executive

   * Steamlining, executing and monitoring budgeted promotions for the alloted geography to     maximise through put. - For a promotion executive

   * Building market share/ Creating business acumen/ Developing strategic commercial controls/ Creating Talent Pool of incumbents for future leadeships. - For a CEO/ Board of Director

In an interview, More clarity an employer has about your role, easier for him to select you based on the skills and competencies.

Managers who understand their roles do better like some parents who make their children lucky...

...................................................will be contd.

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